
June 3

09:30-10:00 Coffee and welcome
10:00-11:15 Session 1, Panoramic Literature and Other Discourses

Chair: Elizabeth Amann (Ghent University)

  • Thijs Dekeukeleire (Ghent University): The type of the male artist’s model in panoramic literature
  • Jorge Chen Sham (Universidad de Costa Rica): Du médecin charlatan et la gestation du type social: El Periquillo Sarniento et les articles de moeurs
  • Leonoor Kuijk (Ghent University): The type of the prisoner in Les Français peints par eux-mêmes and other national self-portraits
11:15-11:35 Coffee break
11:35-12:50 Session 2, Functions of Panoramic Literature

Chair: Leonoor Kuijk (Ghent University)

  • Felipe Martínez-Pinzón (Brown University): Panoramic Literature, Inner Frontiers and War in 19th Latin American
  • Sarah Dellmann (Utrecht University, NL): The Emergence of National Types in Word and Image: “The Dutch” in Popular Visual Media of the Nineteenth Century
  • Nikol Dziub (Université de Haute-Alsace): Les Types andalous à l’époque romantique : du sketch pittoresque à l’autoportrait culturel
13:00-14:30 Lunch
14:40-15:55 Session 3, Types in/on Different Media

Chair: María José González Dávila (Ghent University)

  • Mey-Yen Moriuchi (La Salle University): Grisette, Maja, Manola, China: Tracing Representations
  • Dorde Cuvardic García (Universidad de Costa Rica): The typesetter in costumbrist Latin American and Spanish literature and visual culture: the survival of a manual trade in the printing mechanization era
  • Candela Marini (Duke University, NC, USA): The Indian Revenant: Images of the indigenous in the Argentine nation-building process.
15:55-16:15 Coffee break
16:15-17:30 Session 4, Types in the Periodical Press

Chair: Marianne Van Remoortel (Ghent University)

  • Marieta Cantos Casenave (Universidad de Cádiz): Outsiders and yokels in Spanish Romanticism Literature
  • Andrea Castro (University of Gothenburg): The foreigner and the immigrant as types in El Correo del Domingo 1864-1867
  • Kari Soriano Salkjelsvik (University of Bergen, Norway): Sketches for a decentered world: cuadro de costumbres in El museo mexicano (1843-1845)
17:30 Conference Reception

June 4

10:00-11:15 Session 5, High and Low

Chair: Nathalie Preiss (Université de Reims Champagne-Ardenne, France)

  • Amélie de Chaisemartin (Sorbonne-Paris IV) : Du roman aux physiologies : la circulation du type littéraire romantique en France sous la Monarchie de Juillet
  • Chris Ippolito (Georgia Institute of Technology): La fonction du type du commis et quelques autres types chez Flaubert
  • Cordula Reichart (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, Munich): Les ‘archives précieuses de la vie civilisée’ ou la technique de description des types de Balzac à Proust
11:15-11:35 Coffee break
11:35-12:30 Session 6, Text and Image

Chair: Valérie Stiénon (Université Paris XIII)

  • Olga Kazakova (Orel State University, Russia): Les illustrations des fables en Russie dans le deuxième tiers du XIXe siècle: à la recherche de types sociaux
  • Christopher J. Lukasik (Purdue University): The Consuming Type: David Hunter Strother, Race, and The Rise of Mass Visual Culture
12:30-13:30 Lunch
13:30-14:25 Session 7, Forms of Knowledge

Chair: Elizabeth Amann (Ghent University)

  • Ana Peñas Ruiz (Madrid Open University): Tracing Types, Tracing Panoramic structures: the case of Spanish Microphysiologies
  • Christiane Schwab (Humboldt-University, Berlin): Tracing Types: Proto-sociological Activity and Method of Social Representation
14:30-15:30 Concluding discussion